3 Designer Bathroom Designs
If you’re thinking of renovating or building and a bathroom is involved, then the optimal layout is usually where you’re going to need to start!
But are there better orientations than others? How does the shape of the room matter? What about the door placement?
Here we’re going to explore three fabulous bathroom layouts and uncover why they work well in each room.
1. The Just-right Rectangle
In this layout the door is at the end of the compact rectangular room. A hinge door works well here and all the plumbing is along one wall - which is a big tick!
A shower at the end makes total sense here and the toilet is nicely concealed in between, so the first thing you see as you walk towards the room or past it is the vanity and mirror combination, which you can make a lovely feature.
This layout would work in a rectangle of minimum dimensions of 1500mm width and about 2400mm in length.
2. The family-sized Square
Square bathrooms can be tricky as it feels there are a million different permutations that could possibly work for the layout.
In this layout two details immediately jump out to me, and that is that my first impression of the room is a view towards a feature bath with a ledge behind it. Tick! A lovely focal point for the room as you walk past or approach.
Secondly, and on the other side of the coin, the toilet is discreetly tucked in the opposite corner diagonally, visually obscured by the vanity. Tick Tick!
So our plumbing is across two walls this time, as the room can handle it and it's perfect for the functionality required of a room this size.
The walk-in shower faces the toilet, which is ok in this instance as there is a good distance between the two, so splash or water ingress into the room is not too much of a worry. However another option would be to flip the shower so that the shower head is on a third wall of plumbing and faces the bath, therefore screening off the water better.
In a room this size a double vanity is advised as it's most likely serving more than one room user!
And note the position of towel rails - two vertical rails close to the shower, and a horizontal rail near the bath. Triple tick.
3. The Sensible Split
Sometimes splitting out the WC is a perfect solution for a bathroom that serves a family to allow better functionality, if the space is available to you. A small basin within the WC is essential though, otherwise you've defeated the multi-tasking purpose!
Once again a double vanity and it's mirror sets the first impressions for this room. The ledge continues across the full extent of the wall, which is a lovely seamless feature that is both functional as a shelf and also allows the ability to mix up tiles for a design feature too!
In this layout a wet zone as been created, where the shower screen sets the bath and shower apart from the rest of the room to achieve optimal space usage. Note the position of the shower mixer for easy access and once again a towel rail location fit for purpose!
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